How To Deploy applications to IIS
#Additional information on deploying to IIS here$from = "c:\temp\WebApp\*"
$name = "WebApp"
$to = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\"+$name+"\"
$physicalPath = $to
#Move the Web Application to the IIS folder
Copy-Item $from $to -recurse -Force
###### Create an application pool and ensure it is using .NET 4 #######
New-WebAppPool -Name $name -Force
#To Get The Web Application Object again use the following statement ####$webPool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\$name
$webPool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\$name
$webPool.managedRuntimeVersion = "v4.0"
$webPool.managedPipelineMode = "Classic"
$webPool.processModel.loadUserProfile =$true
$webPool.processModel.logonType = "LogonBatch"
#If Identity type is ApplicationPoolIdenetity/NetworkService/LocalService/LocalSystem uncomment
#the Line bellow and comment out the other identityType="SpecificUser,UserName and Password lines
#$webPool.processModel.identityType = "ApplicationPoolIdentity"
$webPool.processModel.identityType = "SpecificUser"
$webPool.processModel.userName = "Gtank1"
$webPool.processModel.password = "Password1"
$webPool | Set-Item
# Create Website
New-WebSite -Name $name -Port 80 -HostHeader $name -PhysicalPath $physicalPath -Force
#To Get The Web Site Object again use the following statement #### $WebSite = Get-Item IIS:\Sites\$name
# Set the Application Pool
Set-ItemProperty IIS:\Sites\$name ApplicationPool $name
#Turn on Directory Browsing
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.webServer/directoryBrowse -name enabled -Value $true -PSPath IIS:\Sites\$name
#Only add the default document if it already hasn't been added
$DefaultDocument = "Accounts/Default.aspx"
$ExistingDefaultDocuments = get-webconfigurationproperty -filter /system.webServer/defaultDocument -name files -Location $name #Retrieve all the default documents
$DefDocFound = $ExistingDefaultDocuments.Collection | where {$_.value -eq $DefaultDocument} #look for the default document that we want to add
if(!$DefDocFound) {
#To add the default document globally remove the -Location parameter
Add-webconfigurationproperty -filter /system.webServer/defaultDocument -name files -value @{value=$DefaultDocument} -Location $name
#remove-webconfigurationproperty /system.webServer/defaultDocument -name files -atElement @{value=$DefaultDocument} -Location $name
#Add-WebConfiguration -filter /system.webServer/defaultDocument/files -name enabled -location $name -value @{value="default.aspx"}
# Update Authentication
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.WebServer/security/authentication/AnonymousAuthentication -name enabled -value true -location $name
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.WebServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication -name enabled -value false -location $name
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter /system.WebServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication -name enabled -value false -location $name
#The code beolow will actually delete the Application pool and Web site that has been created above.
#NOTE: You must delete the site and application pools that are retrieved from the Servermanager object
# instead of using get-item otherwise you will get the following error "The configuration object is read only, because it has
# been committed by a call to ServerManager.CommitChanges(). If write access is required, use ServerManager
# to get a new reference."
$iis = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
Remove-Item $to -recurse -Force
$WebSite = $iis.Sites["WebApp"]
$webPool = $iis.ApplicationPools["WebApp"]
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