#This script requires TessNet2 to be installed, run this script to install TessNet2.
#Here is an example using these 2 functions to create a jpg from text then using TessNet2 to convert it back to text.
#Here is an example using these 2 functions to create a jpg from text then using TessNet2 to convert it back to text.
#Start by creating an image with text in it. So we can use our OCR function on it.
Create-ImageFromText -FileName "$home\HelloWorld.jpg" -Text "Hello World From Tessnet2."
#Uncomment this line if you want the image to pop up.
& "$home\HelloWorld.jpg"
$Result = Get-TextTextImage "$home\HelloWorld.jpg"
#>Function Get-TextTextImage{
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)] [string]$FileName)
#Code was derived from the example on http://www.pixel-technology. com/freeware/tessnet2/
$image = [System.Drawing.Bitmap]("$ home\HelloWorld.jpg" )
#The first time the Dll is used we have to deem it as same by unblocking-file. No need to include it after the first run.
Unblock-File "$Home\Programming\TessNet2\ TessNetAssemblies\Release64\ tessnet2_64.dll"
[void][System.Reflection. Assembly]::LoadFrom("$Home\ Programming\TessNet2\ TessNetAssemblies\Release64\ tessnet2_64.dll")
$ocr = New-Object tessnet2.Tesseract
############################## the file location should point to the parent directory where the TessData pack was unzipped
$void = $ocr.Init("$home\Programming\ TessNet2\tessdata", "eng", $false)
$result = $ocr.DoOCR($image, [System.Drawing.Rectangle]:: Empty)
return $result
Function Create-ImageFromText{
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)] [string]$FileName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$Text)
#Code to create an image from any given text was derived from Keith Hills reply on
$TextToPutInImage = $Text
$filename = $FileName
$length = $($TextToPutInImage.Length*30)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$bmp = new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap $length ,90
$font = new-object System.Drawing.Font Consolas,24
$brushBg = [System.Drawing.Brushes]:: Black
$brushFg = [System.Drawing.Brushes]:: White
$graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]:: FromImage($bmp)
$graphics.FillRectangle($ brushBg,0,0,$bmp.Width,$bmp. Height)
$graphics.DrawString($ TextToPutInImage,$font,$ brushFg,10,10)
$bmp.Save($filename,[ System.Drawing.Imaging. ImageFormat]::Jpeg)
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